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Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Bildung - internationale Perspektiven

Ein Roboter hält etwas Buchähnliches in den Händen und liest

Spätestens seit der Veröffentlichung des Chatbots "ChatGPT" im November 2022 ist Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) auch in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit angekommen. Weltweit hat dieser Chatbot einen Diskurs rund um KI ausgelöst. Dieser Diskurs pendelt zwischen großer Euphorie ob der Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI und dunklen Zukunftsszenarien ob der möglichen Risiken von KI. Auch im Bildungsbereich wird der Einsatz von KI kontrovers diskutiert. Einerseits werden z.B. große Chancen bezüglich einer personalisierteren, auf den einzelnen Lernenden zugeschnittene Lernumgebung gesehen. Andererseits macht man sich z.B. Sorgen um Fragen des Datenschutzes oder um ethische Aspekte bei der Nutzung von KI im Bildungswesen.

Unser Webdossier bietet die wichtigsten Webseiten und Quellen zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung an. Dabei achten wir darauf, dass die angebotenen Ressourcen möglichst frei und kostenlos zugänglich sind.

Und für alle, die wenig Zeit haben, kommen am Anfang des Dossier unsere TOP-5-Webseiten!

Ãœberblicksliteratur & Systematic Reviews

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Die Buchreihe "Überbrückung zwischen Mensch und Maschine: Zukünftige Bildung mit Intelligenz" bietet bisher folgende kostenpflichtige Titel an:

* Emerging Technologies and Pedagogies in the Curriculum (2020)
* An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education (2021)
* Innovative Education [...]


With the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in education, the number of published studies in the field has increased. However, no large-scale reviews have been conducted to comprehensively investigate the various aspects of this field. Based on 4,519 publications from 2000 to 2019, we attempt to fill this gap and identify trends and topics related to [...]

Background: In fact, most schools around the world are not well equipped to have discussions and keep current on the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in many aspects of society and economy. They either ignore this conversation, or simply criticize technology, but these resistances are not stopping wide spread of various types of AI projects in schools, mainly driven [...]


How might digital technology and notably smart technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI), learning analytics, robotics, and others transform education? This book explores such question. It focuses on how smart technologies currently change education in the classroom and the management of educational organisations and systems. The book delves into beneficial uses of [...]

"(...) this article reports a comprehensive review of selected empirical studies on artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) published in 1993-2020, as collected in the Web of Sciences database and selected AIEd-specialized journals. A total of 40 empirical studies met all selection criteria, and were fully reviewed using multiple methods, including selected bibliometrics, [...]

The current stage of society development is very closely related to the digitalization of all spheres of public life without exception. Education in this regard should become the starting point or the basis for the competent and conscious application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, neural networks, and other cyber-physical systems based on AI, as well as robots [...]

The aim of this study is to examine the studies in the literature on the use of artificial intelligence in education in terms of its bibliometric properties. The Web of Science (WoS) database was used to collect the data. Various keywords were used to search the literature, and a total of 2,686 publications on the subject published between 2001-2021 were found. The inquiry [...]

In this study, we review 1830 research articles on artificial intelligence in education (AIED), with the aim of providing a holistic picture of the knowledge evolution in this interdisciplinary research field from 2010 to 2019. A novel three-step approach in the analysis of the keyword co-occurrence networks (KCN) is proposed to identify the knowledge structure, knowledge [...]

Nicht frei zugänglich

Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert für das Themenheft über Künstliche Intelligenz und Pädagogik eine kurze Geschichte der Forschung auf diesem Gebiet und fasst aktuelle Herausforderungen zusammen. Der Artikel fokussiert auf mögliche Paradigmenwechsel auf dem Forschungsgebiet und betont die Notwendigkeit der Betrachtung von Theorie und Praxis unter Beachtung ethischer [...]


This study aims at presenting a multi-perspectives study on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) by analysing relevant funds, conferences, journals, software, institutions, and scholars in the field of AIEd. Accordingly, there are six research questions that the authors try to answer with this study: RQ1) What was the trend of grants in relation to AIEd?; RQ2) What were [...]

This paper was written to support the G20 artificial intelligence (AI) dialogue. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), education faces two challenges: reaping the benefits of AI to improve education processes, both in the classroom and at the system level; and preparing students for new skillsets for increasingly automated economies and societies. AI applications are [...]


"Artificial Intelligence is a booming technological domain capable of altering every aspect of our social interactions. In education, AI has begun producing new teaching and learning solutions that are now undergoing testing in different contexts. This working paper, written for education policymakers, anticipates the extent to which AI affects the education sector to allow [...]

Systematic Reviews

"This study aimed to identify the present status of K-12 machine learning education through a systematic literature review between 2011 and 2021. Data were collected from four reputable databases. (...) Most of the articles published in this field were produced between 2020 and 2021, and more conference proceeding papers were published than journals in this field. (...) the [...]

"There is an emerging interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) teaching and learning in the K-12 setting. While some work has explored the educational content and resources used for this purpose, there is limited empirical evidence on the effectiveness of such AI education interventions. The primary objective of the systematic literature review presented in this paper was to [...]

"The increasing attention to Machine Learning (ML) in K-12 levels and studies exploring a different aspect of research on K-12 ML has necessitated the need to synthesize this existing research. This study systematically reviewed how research on ML teaching and learning in K-12 has fared, including the current area of focus, and the gaps that need to be addressed in the [...]

"Applications of artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) are emerging and are new to researchers and practitioners alike. Reviews of the relevant literature have not examined how AI technologies have been integrated into each of the four key educational domains of learning, teaching, assessment, and administration. The relationships between the technologies and learning [...]

"In this paper, we try to understand the full benefits of AI chatbots in education, their opportunities, challenges, potential limitations, concerns, and prospects of using AI chatbots in educational settings. We conducted an extensive search across various academic databases, and after applying specific predefined criteria, we selected a final set of 67 relevant studies for [...]

With the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in education, the number of published studies in the field has increased. However, no large-scale reviews have been conducted to comprehensively investigate the various aspects of this field. Based on 4,519 publications from 2000 to 2019, we attempt to fill this gap and identify trends and topics related to [...]

Künstliche Intelligenz in verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen

With the increase in studies about artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational field, many scholars in the field believe that the role of teachers, school and leaders in education will change. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to examine what possible scenarios are there with the arrival of AI in education and what kind of implications it can reveal for future [...]

"This systematic review provides unique findings with an up-to-date examination of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education (HE) from 2016 to 2022. Using PRISMA principles and protocol, 138 articles were identified for a full examination. Using a priori, and grounded coding, the data from the 138 articles were extracted, analyzed, and coded. The findings of this study [...]

"According to various international reports, Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) is one of the currently emerging fields in educational technology. Whilst it has been around for about 30 years, it is still unclear for educators how to make pedagogical advantage of it on a broader scale, and how it can actually impact meaningfully on teaching and learning in higher [...]

"Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly being used in the field of early childhood education (ECE) to enhance learning and development among young children. (...) We conducted this scoping review to evaluate, synthesize and display the latest literature on AI in ECE. This review analyzed 17 eligible studies conducted in different countries from 1995 to 2021. [...]

"Since artificial intelligence (AI) is finding its way into more and more areas of everyday life, improving the AI skills of non-experts is important and will become even more relevant in the future. While it is necessary that children learn about the possibilities of AI at an early age, adults in higher education and beyond should also have at least a basic understanding of [...]

Nicht frei zugänglich

"The use of artificial intelligence has played an important role in science teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to fill a gap in the current review of research on AI in science education (AISE) in the early stage of education by systematically reviewing existing research in this area. (...). This review study employed a bibliometric analysis and content [...]

As online learning has been widely adopted in higher education in recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has brought new ways for improving instruction and learning in online higher education. However, there is a lack of literature reviews that focuses on the functions, effects, and implications of applying AI in the online higher education context. In addition, what AI [...]


Der Link führt zur Trefferliste der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB zu den Stichworten "Künstliche Intelligenz" und "Bildung". [Zusammenfassung: Redaktion Bildung Weltweit]

Berichte & Statistiken

"The current report is an exhaustive account of the discussion and debate at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (hereafter referred to as 'the conference') held in Beijing from 16 to 18 May 2019. Under the overarching theme of 'Planning Education in the AI Era: Lead the Leap', the conference was structured into seven plenary sessions and 16 [...]

Die EDUCAUSE Horizon Reports beschäftigen sich mit wichtigen Trends, neuen Technologien und Praktiken, die die Zukunft der Hochschulbildung prägen. Sie stellen dabei eine Reihe von Zukunftszenarien und möglichen Auswirkungen für die Hochschulbildung vor.
Die Horizon Reports werden seit 2005 von der gemeinnützigen [...]

"This report features key findings and recommendations of UNESCO's global survey on AI curricula for K-12. It reveals that only 11 countries have developed and endorsed K-12 AI curricula and another four countries have AI curricula in development. This is a strong call for Member States to develop AI curricula for K-12 students, and to build stronger mechanisms to validate [...]

"The executive summary of the final report of the Commission Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training functions as a supportive document for the ethical guidelines. The report presents the efforts of the Expert Group on Artificial intelligence (AI) and Data in Education and Training, to inform the Commission on the current interplay among AI, [...]

Verlinkt werden hier drei Unesco-Publikationen zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Bildung bzw. Inklusion:

1) Artificial intelligence in education, compendium of promising initiatives: Mobile Learning Week 2019
2) Artificial intelligence for Sustainable Development: synthesis report, Mobile Learning [...]

Organisationen & Netzwerke

Die IAIED ist eine interdisziplinäre Vereinigung , die sich aus den Bereichen Informatik, Bildung und Psychologie zusammensetzt. Sie fördert die Forschung und Entwicklung interaktiver und adaptiver Lernumgebungen. IAIED veranstaltet u.a. eine jährliche Konferenz und bringt das International Journal of AI in Education [...]

Diese thematische Seite, die sich auf Künstliche Intelligenz und Inklusion spezialisiert, wird vom Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society an der Universiät Harvard (USA) betrieben. Sie trägt mit Hilfe verschiedener Partner weltweit u.a. Informationen und Ressourcen zusammen, die beim "Global Symposium on AI and [...]

Die "Internationale Allianz zur Förderung des Lernens im Digitalen Zeitalter" ist ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer Gesellschaften weltweit im Bereich Informationstechnologie und Bildung. Die Plattform bietet vor allem Infos zu Zielen der Allianz, zu deren Mitgliedsgesellschaften sowie einen Veranstaltungskalender mit [...]

Das Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), eine der führenden Universitäten im technologischen Bereich, bietet mit der Initiative "Verantwortliche KI für soziales Empowerment und Bildung (RAISE)" einen Überblick über seine Forschung und seine Projekte im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz und Bildung an. Die [...]

Überblickseite der Unesco zum Thema Bildung und Künstliche Intelligenz, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Bedeutung und den Einfluss von AI auf die von den Vereinten Nationen ausgerufenen Ziele für Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Der Überblick bietet Links zu Publikationen der Unesco zum Thema, zu internationalen Konferenzen, zu [...]

Der gemeinnützige Verein Educause hat zum Ziel, die Hochschulbildung durch den Einsatz von Informationstechnologie voranzutreiben. Educause trägt auf dieser Seite Informationen zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung zusammen. Zumeist handelt es sich um eigene Artikel, Veröffentlichungen, Berichte usw.; zum [...]

Richtlinien, Strategien, Rahmenregelungen

"The Beijing consensus on artificial intelligence and education is the outcome document of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education, "Planning education in the AI era: Lead the leap", that took place in May 2021. The document is part of the existing frameworks on AI and education developed within UNESCO's role in steering the global dialogue with [...]

"For this review, UNICEF analysed 20 national AI strategies, and found that most make only a cursory mention of children and their specific needs. Evaluating four key child-centred categories, one strategy was found to have no meaningful mention of children, while barely a handful registered more than 1,000 words on the key issues of improving quality of life and services for [...]

"This report features key findings and recommendations of UNESCO's global survey on AI curricula for K-12. It reveals that only 11 countries have developed and endorsed K-12 AI curricula and another four countries have AI curricula in development. This is a strong call for Member States to develop AI curricula for K-12 students, and to build stronger mechanisms to validate [...]

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4. However, these rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges, which have so far outpaced policy debates and regulatory frameworks. This [...]

Die Unicef bietet hier in verschiedenen Sprachen Empfehlungen für den Aufbau von KI-Richtlinien und KI-Systemen, die die Kinderrechte wahren. Neben diesen Empfehlungen werden noch ein KI-Leitfaden für Eltern sowie einer für Jugendliche angeboten, ebenfalls in verschiedenen Sprachen. Darüber hinaus zeigt Unicef anhand von 8 [...]

Internationales; Europa
Facilitate - AI (KI ermöglichen / einfach machen) ist ein EU-Projekt, welches Lehrende und Lernende der Klassen 7-12 beim Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz unterstützen will. Das soll vor allem durch folgende drei Projektergebnisse erzielt werden:

* Ergebnis 1: [...]

"This paper [published in 2000] explores the human and ethical issues implicit in the use of AI in education. Our intention is to begin a discussion that will lead to a deeper understanding of the issues and eventually to a consensus within the research community concerning what is desirable and what is not in the use of AI in education." [Abstract: Authors' information].

"Diese ethischen Leitlinien über die Nutzung von KI und Daten für Lehr- und Lernzwecke sollen Lehrkräften helfen, das Potenzial von KI-Anwendungen und Datennutzung in der Bildung zu begreifen und sie für die möglichen Risiken zu sensibilisieren, damit sie in der Lage sind, sich positiv, kritisch und ethisch mit KI-Systemen auseinanderzusetzen und deren Potenzial [...]

"The executive summary of the final report of the Commission Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training functions as a supportive document for the ethical guidelines. The report presents the efforts of the Expert Group on Artificial intelligence (AI) and Data in Education and Training, to inform the Commission on the current interplay among AI, [...]

This research aims to 1) Develop a common framework for artificial intelligence in higher education (AAI-HE model) and 2) Assess the AAI-HE model. The research process is divided into two stages: 1) Develop an AAI-HE model, and 2) Assessment the model. The sample consists of five experts chosen through purposive sampling. The data is analyzed by means and standardized [...]

Abstract und Poster zu einem Vortrag, der auf der 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2022) gehalten wurde. In dem Vortrag geht es um die Sicht der Europäischen Union auf Künstliche Intelligenz im Zusammenhang mit Bildung. Diese Sicht wurde auf der Basis einer Literatur- und [...]


Afrika südlich der Sahara; Afrika
Das von Kanada und Schweden finanzierte 4-Jahres-Programm soll die Entwicklung von verantwortungsvollen und inklusiven KI-Systemen durch Afrika und Afrikaner*innen unterstützen. Die Seite bietet vielfältige Informationen zu unterstützten Projekten, Forschung, Konferenzen, Blog-Artikel oder Podcasts. Im [...]

"Die Plattform soll als zentraler Zugangspunkt zu Bildungsressourcen in Europa im Zusammenhang mit künstlicher Intelligenz fungieren. Es richtet sich an alle Ebenen der Bildung, von grundlegenden KI-Kenntnissen für alle über Kurse für Universitätsstudenten bis hin zur Umschulung von Arbeitnehmern." Die Seite bietet bisher einen [...]

Das Unesco-Projekt zu KI entstand aus diversen Empfehlungen, Berichten und internationalen Vereinbarungen zu KI im Rahmen von Unesco-Veranstaltungen. Es hat drei Arbeitsfelder:

* KI und die Zukunft des Lernens
* Orientierung für generative KI in Bildung und Forschung
* KI-Kompetenzrahmen für Schüler*innen [...]

Das Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), eine der führenden Universitäten im technologischen Bereich, bietet mit der Initiative "Verantwortliche KI für soziales Empowerment und Bildung (RAISE)" einen Überblick über seine Forschung und seine Projekte im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz und Bildung an. Die [...]

Unicef bietet hier Infos zu einem zweijährigen Projekt, das zum Ziel hat, besser zu verstehen, wie Systeme der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) Kinder schützen, unterstützen und stärken können. Die Seite bietet Links zu anderen Unicef-Infos und -Seiten über AI und Kinder, außerdem eine Publikation "Policy guidance on AI for [...]

Internationales; Europa
Facilitate - AI (KI ermöglichen / einfach machen) ist ein EU-Projekt, welches Lehrende und Lernende der Klassen 7-12 beim Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz unterstützen will. Das soll vor allem durch folgende drei Projektergebnisse erzielt werden:

* Ergebnis 1: [...]

KI und Bildung in verschiedenen Ländern & Regionen

"This report features key findings and recommendations of UNESCO's global survey on AI curricula for K-12. It reveals that only 11 countries have developed and endorsed K-12 AI curricula and another four countries have AI curricula in development. This is a strong call for Member States to develop AI curricula for K-12 students, and to build stronger mechanisms to validate [...]

"This open access book tackles the pressing problem of integrating concerns related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics into higher education curriculums aimed at future AI developers in Africa and beyond. For doing so, it analyzes the present and future states of AI ethics education in local computer science and engineering programs. The authors share relevant best [...]

"(...) UNESCO publishes the results of a survey intended to establish the priorities and capacity building needs of African countries concerning AI. The potential benefits and risks of the technology are not equally distributed across regions of the world. In 2019, as part of UNESCO's reflections on AI in Africa, [one publication] highlighted that there is a significant gap in [...]

"First, this paper reviews the work on the ethics of artificial intelligence in Africa by researchers from Africa and the diaspora in a concept marked by a majority occidental contribution. Many African and diaspora researchers have proposed solutions for the development of ethical and responsible AI in Africa, but the proposed solutions are difficult to implement without the [...]

Over the last decade, there has been great research interest in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields, such as medicine, finance, and law. Recently, there has been a research focus on the application of AI in education, where it has great potential. Therefore, a systematic review of the literature on AI in education is therefore necessary. This [...]

"This meta-review examined 14 research papers on AI curriculum for K-12 classrooms that were taken in the Asia-Pacific region from 2018 to 2021 by identifying the content knowledge, tools, platforms, activities, theories and models, assessment methods, and learning outcomes of the selected studies. The results indicated that AI curricula can develop students' AI knowledge and [...]

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in developing new teaching-learning solutions is gaining momentum towards transforming the education system in India. Schools are beginning to shift from conventional methods of teaching to smart education to enhance students' learning experiences. Reviewing the literature on machine learning, personalized learning, and Bloom's taxonomy, [...]

KI-Tools in der Bildung

Das 2022 neu gegründete "Virtuelles Kompetenzzentrum: Künstliche Intelligenz und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (VK:KIWA)" bietet hier eine Liste an KI-Ressourcen zur Untertsützung von akademischen Lese- und Schreibprozessen an. Man findet Ressourcen zu:

* Literaturrecherche
* Textverstehen
* [...]

"The introduction of Artificial Intelligence technology enables the integration of Chatbot systems into various aspects of education. This technology is increasingly being used for educational purposes. Chatbot technology has the potential to provide quick and personalised services to everyone in the sector, including institutional employees and students. This paper presents a [...]

Chatbots sind eine vielversprechende Technologie mit dem Potenzial, Arbeitsplätze und den Alltag zu verbessern. In Bezug auf die Skalierbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit bieten sie auch einzigartige Möglichkeiten als Kommunikations- und Informationswerkzeuge für das digitale Lernen. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir eine systematische Literaturanalyse vor, in der wir die [...]

"In this paper, we try to understand the full benefits of AI chatbots in education, their opportunities, challenges, potential limitations, concerns, and prospects of using AI chatbots in educational settings. We conducted an extensive search across various academic databases, and after applying specific predefined criteria, we selected a final set of 67 relevant studies for [...]

Letzte Aktualisierung: 13.05.2024  -

Neuigkeiten zu KI im Bildungsbereich

  1. Stichwort „Artificial Intelligence“ bei University World News
  2. Stichwort "ChatGPT" bei University World News
  1. KI als Hacker: Verbreiten Chatbots fiese Computerviren? (DLF 18.04.24)
  2. AI report – By the European Digital Education Hub’s Squad on artificial intelligence in education.
  3. List of academic search engines that use Large Language models for generative answers (Updated to Oct 2023)
  4. Empowering Educators in the Age of AI: What Now? 1/3 (Education International 03.01.24)
  5. Notes on AI Research, Development, and Education Use / Policy Conversations (Team4Tech)
  6. AI in tertiary education: impacts for research and practice (AJET 39,5 (2023))
  7. Generative AI in the Australian education system: An open data set of stakeholder recommendations and emerging analysis from a public inquiry.
  8. "ChatGPT Can Get Off My Lawn" (Jenkins for the Martin Center 17.11.23)
  9. Maximizing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education (Burnet for Higher Education Digest 17.11.23)
  10. Can AI help close the education gap? Sal Khan thinks so (Bill Gates Blog 10.08.23)

Blick nach Deutschland

  1. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Bildung

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